In Central and Eastern Europe, less than 3% of the population identify themselves as Evangelical Christian.

Help the local church reach the lost by supporting 4D Ministries.

In a part of the world where churches are often seen for their historic value, a large majority of people do not consider the gospel of Jesus as being relevant to them today.

But you can help change that.

Help local believers reach the lost with the hope of Jesus by partnering with 4D Ministries.

4D isn't about growing our own ministry, but rather putting wind in the sails of local churches to reach their neighbors with the Good News of the gospel.

Together, we can make a difference.

Help make a difference in sharing the gospel in Eastern Europe by signing up for our newsletter.

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How one Eastern
European Partner is
sharing hope!

Picture of Sandel leading his kids camp

In southern Romania Pastor Săndel reaches out to orphaned kids who were abandoned just like he was at age eight.

Now his group of orphaned teens are helping him with a summer camp for Roma children to hear the gospel for the first time.

Ministries Empowered to Spread the Gospel

Ambassadors Together

Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic, and Slovakia

The main focus of Ambassadors Together is to help create a missional mindset in local churches located in Central and Eastern Europe. The local church is empowered to reach people outside their own walls by focusing on children and youth.

Number of Churches


Number of Kids

% of Unchurched


In 2023, 4D partnered with 98 churches, 1,821 volunteers and leaders, reaching out to 16,875 kids, with at least 45% unchurched kids attending and at least 50% of the project covered by local funding.

Photo of musicians on stage at Via Church in Cluj, Romania

Via Institute


Via Institute focuses on mobilizing local churches to fulfill their God given missional mandate by equipping, resourcing and hands-on serving.

  • Church Planting Workshop – Goal: to inspire and mobilize church leaders to start planting new relevant and visionary churches

  • Church Planting Course – Goal: to teach and train theology students in church planting

  • Leadership Training Workshops – Goal: to grow relevant (in step with times) and prophetic (a step ahead of times) leaders who will be able to assist churches in their God given mission.

  • Marriage Masterpiece Workshops 

LeaderXpress and The Forgotten Paths Podcast


In Slovakia, 4D partners with the LeaderXpress ministry, a website active in both Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Content includes valuable original resources designed to encourage ministries, leaders, and churches to look outward.

Janči Máhrik is a leading pastor in Church Za kostolom (Behind the Church) based in Žilina. Together with pastor José they produce the podcast Zabudnute cesty (Forgotten Paths) which won an award as the best podcast of the year in 2022 in Slovakia.

Over 140 episodes have been produced covering topics that resonate well with the audience including apologetics, spiritual health, gospel, emotional health, generosity, resting in the age of hurry, the importance of community, disciplined living, challenging questions of faith, myths about Christianity, and the life of singles.